Knowledge Base Short the Magic

knowledge-baseThe first-ever knowledge base of the physiological effects of lifestyle behaviors on health is designed to associate behavior and consequences since many people simply don’t make connections between what they do and how they feel.

Using state-of-the-art knowledge engineering methods, this innovation will create a scientifically and clinically-validated body of knowledge mapping the pathways, mechanisms and probabilities of different lifestyle actions on the various health consequences, whether wellness or illness.

The practical application of The Human Genome Project began the movement toward revolutionary new ways to diagnose, treat, and someday prevent the thousands of disorders. The HEDD Knowledge Base is essentially the Lifestyle Choice equivalent of the Genome Project. At its most accessible level, it will act as a foundation for a query tool, designed for public involvement a) to mine data, b) to apply input from the user to return information on what the body is communicating and c) identify which lifestyle behaviors are most likely to improve their well being. Users can then focus on material most important to them.

This is intended to be an authoritative central resource to help change the model of health care, providing health care professionals new diagnostic indicators that point to simple, elegant and effective treatment models. Validating the critical impact of lifestyle behaviors will persuade physicians as well as consumers to “prescribe” lifestyle changes before turning to medical options. For a fuller description see Knowledge Base

