




Develop and test the prototype LKB for health care professionals (HCPs):

  1. Develop the overall framework using a T-model: on the vertical axis represent 14 pivotal lifestyle categories as 3-4 basic groups; on a horizontal axis represent the pathways, probabilities (these enable the evaluator tool) and mechanisms by which the selected single category input (e.g., sunlight or food) affects health outcomes (e.g. immune responses, bone density).
  2. Conduct market research to design the most efficacious delivery material for HCPs.
  3. Develop the query/evaluator tools and abbreviated web-based interface and delivery materials.
  4. Test the usability and effectiveness of materials with sample HCPs.



Develop and test “education-quality” web-deployed, user-resource for preventative health maintenance for HCPs.

  1. Extend and generalize the HBKB in all categories.
  2. Enhance the web-based interface and delivery materials to optimal usability and extend the query engine to accommodate the full range of the HBKB.
  3. Test the usability and effectiveness of fully developed tools with sample HPCs and compare our HEDD web-based approach to their current methods of discovering lifestyle information.
  4. Create marketing-sales targets, strategy, and plan.






Design full prototype

  1. Develop 4-5 illustration and writing styles of one lifestyle element.
  2. Conduct market research to design the most efficacious styles of entertaining materials (video animation, illustration, cartoon, text) for selected target market(s).
  3. Develop an abbreviated web site of these materials that describe how 4 selected categories affect health outcomes, how to implement each lifestyle behavior for optimum health, and provide references and behavioral change resources.
  4. To guide system design, test the usability and effectiveness of our materials and tools with sample target consumers and compare our approach in this prototype to their current methods of discovering health information and implementing life-style changes.



Design and test website

  1. Develop full web site of entertaining educational materials for all 19 lifestyle elements and supporting tools.
  2. Test the usability and effectiveness of fully developed delivery system per Phase 1.
  3. Create marketing and sales targets, strategy, and plan.